
As Within So Without

How to Get the Perfect Brow For Your Face Shape

How to Get the Perfect Brow For Your Face Shape Jack Black Eyebrows

You must NEVER underestimate the power of the eyebrow.-Jack Black

Picture yourself with the eyebrows of Cruella De Vil... now, picture yourself with the brows of Cara Delevingne. I'm confident you looked a lot more glamorous with Cara's eyebrows.

Cruella De Vil EyebrowsCara De Lavigne eyebrows

 A well-defined brow will increase your level of attractiveness faster than any "quick" beauty fixes out there. 


Full-defined brows instantly create the look of a younger and more polished you. But, Ohhhhh...the frustration of achieving the perfect brow.

crazy looking brows

We've all been there. We try to create the "perfect brow," Instead, we make an unrealistic arch that looks like Ronald McDonald.

McDonalds arch on brows

We then tend to go into a brow frenzy. We head for the beauty ammo. We grab pencils, waxes, gels, powders, tweezers, and sealants. Some of us end up so brow crazy, we’ll tweeze all our eyebrows off until we look like a Sphynx, NOW the only option for new brows is to head to the tattoo parlor. 


Tattoos may work for a few people, but usually, tattoos aren’t a good idea. As the face ages, brows tend to take on a different shape. Tattooed brows stop you from filling in the natural form of your brow, leaving you with an unnatural look. 


What can you do to stop the brow mania???  

Well, first, you need to find YOUR perfect brow shape and arch. Grab a pencil, pen, or anything straight. (So, Richard Simmons is not an option)

Richard Simmons popping out of bush

Take your chosen object and place it against the outermost part of your nose and the inside corner of your eye. This area is where your eyebrow should start. 
Model showing where to place pencil for brow


Next, place it at the outer edge of your iris. This is where your arch should start, and finally, the brow should end at the outer nose on the outer corner of the eye. Mark all of these areas, place a stencil over the areas you marked. I recommend Anastasia Beverly Hills Stencils for a perfect arch every time!


Finally, use a tinted brow gel or a waterproof pencil and fill in the brows.


 I do recommend matching your hair color or going a shade lighter than the color of your hair.  


After they are shaped, and you have filled in your color, remove the stencil and pluck or trim any strays that are not in your perfect brow, and Voila! How 'Browliciously' stunning you now are. 

  Check Out: Juliet shows Lifestyle of Beauty how to get the perfect brow using Anastasia Beverly Hills brow products.

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