Magical Spices That Should Be In Your Cabinet
Want to spice up your life, avoid getting sick, and shed a couple of pounds? Raid your rack! (the one in your kitchen) 😂 Become a spice fairy; 🧚 and sprinkle the following spices on everything from tea, coffee, fruits, meats, and pasta.
CUMIN: Cumin’s anti-inflammatory properties improve memory and lower stress..
CINNAMON: Not only does this tasty spice regulate blood sugar, but it also provides manganese, a mineral that maintains bone density.
FENUGREEK: Fenugreek is packed with fiber and does a great job at curbing your appetite.
CLOVES: A compound in ground cloves called eugenol may soothe respiratory infections and an upset stomach.
GINGER: Ginger is great for post workouts. It contains gingerol, a natural anti-inflammatory that studies find to reduce next-day muscle pains, AND ginger does a good job at easing period cramps and building up the immune system.
Crushed Red Pepper: The capsaicin in crushed red pepper boosts metabolism, and when just two tbs of the spice is added to food, you'll eat fewer calories and fat throughout the day.
TURMERIC: Turmeric is truly a spice of life. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, curcumin, has several health benefits, including reducing depression.
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