Five Ways To Beat Treadmill Boredom
Weather and timing conditions prevent a lot of us from having the luxury of running outside, but let's get real for a minute, treadmills are boringggggggg. 💤💤💤💤
What's worse than running in place and not going anywhere?!?!
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Here are some ways to beat boredom and shorten your time on the treadmill.
1) Watch TV! Schedule a running time set around your favorite television show and run at a moderate pace during the show. During the commercial break, sprint until your show comes back on-then go back to moderate.
***If there isn't a TV available, download an audiobook, podcast or motivational workout book to keep you going!
2) Mix it up with intervals! Run moderately for 2 minutes, walk for 2 minutes, sprint for a minute, change speeds and inclines every time you become bored.
3) Run with a friend and compete with them! Set a running time and see who can run the furthest.
4) Add strength training! Run for 5 minutes- get off the treadmill, do pushups, sit-ups, lunges, then jump back on the treadmill and run another 5 minutes and repeat!
5) Use a virtual runner. A virtual runner is pretty awesome- Software for your IPad or laptop allows you to create the illusion of running outside on trails, famous racecourses, and running routes. You set your own pace too! Works on all treadmills.
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